Hair Journeys

Real stories, Real People, Real Results!

Ep. 1 Healing and Growth by Afsa

Listen to Afsa as she shares how cutting her hair allowed her to purge emotionally and mentally. These new beginings gave birth her loc journey which has been a blessing in her life.

Tap here to watch Afsa's Hair Journey!

Ep. 2 Childhood Inspo by Ibrahim

Join Ibrahim as he shares how his unique 5 year hair journey stems from witnessing pictures of his younger self with long hair and seeing how much confidence and joy he displayed then as a child.

Tap her to watch Ibrahim's Hair Journey!

Ep. 3 Hair and fashion by Sharufa

Meet Sharufa as she showcases her thoughts on hairstyles to match her versatility while working in the fashion industry.

Tap here to watch sharufa's Hair Journey!

Ep. 4 Self Expression by Kwame

Experience Kwame's meaning of self expression through his hair journey as a child growing up with grey hair.

Tap her to watch Kwame's Hair Journey!